Steve Henry

Steve Henry

Steve Henry believes the best learning people can achieve comes from within, with support from the outside. The limit is the courage to remove the barriers to reflect deeply. This is the key to transformational learning.

Steve has spent 30 years igniting people who are willing to take that challenge – in the primary, secondary, tertiary and corporate education sectors. He has found his approach most successful when applied through experience grounded in real projects rather than in excessive theory. Knowledge alone cannot transform, it takes reflection and experience through action. This requires the willingness to look at the current normal and deciding if it will serve in the future.

Steve leads the Centre for Sustainable Practice at Otago Polytechnic in NZ. The Centre delivers programmes using flexible distance delivery with a 24hr classroom using technologies enabling collaboration. The curriculum is not prescribed; rather the participants chosen projects become the curriculum so real outcomes are a requirement of success – through the application of a common framework. In this model, a business owner, a government employee, a lawyer and a vet will collaborate to find learning in unexpected places.

What Steve hoped to get out of TEDxQueenstown
The effective articulation of a topic that’s been on my mind for years.

Steve’s top two favourite TED Talks
Ken Robinson: How schools kill creativity, June 2006
Michelle Obama: A plea for education, May 2009

Steve Henry: A thousand year old industry on the cusp of profound change, TEDxQueenstown 2013

Contact Steve Henry