Oonagh Harpur
Oonagh has inhabited boardrooms since becoming CEO of a £20m turnover business in 1988. There she got the idea she called “Love and Integrity in Business”. Co-founding the “Love and Integrity in Business Network” in 1994 she explored with other business leaders what this idea might mean. From 1997 as CEO of the Institute of Director’s HUB Initiative and then Enterprise Insight she campaigned for enterprise with integrity across the UK. In 2002 she got the opportunity to put her ideas into practice in a global £1+bn turnover business.For nine years she served its international board as Partnership Secretary and Director of Corporate Responsibility, learning first hand what it took to integrate values into the culture of 25+ offices from Hong Kong and Shanghai to Dubai and New York.
Oonagh is a senior advisor to boards on strategy, reputation and governance. She has worked in the UK and USA, in the energy, health, and financial and professional services sectors.
What Oonagh hoped to get out of TEDx
I want to inspire people to live love and integrity in business. What kind of world would it be if every business was run this way? Might business people working together to preserve our biosphere and guarantee a better future for our grandchildren while also making a sustainable profit?
Favourite TED Talks
David Christian: The history of the world in 18 minutes, TED2011
Margaret Hefferman: Dare to disagree, TEDGlobal 2012
Rachel Botsman: The currency of the new economy is trust, TEDGlobal 2012
Oonagh Harpur: Love and integrity in business, TEDxQueenstown 2013
Contact Oonagh Harpur
Website: www.OonaghHarpur.com